Wildseeloder Trophy 2017 powered by FUNC.at


Duathlon for mountain runners and mountain bikers Saturday, 12. August 2017



The start is at 10 o’clock at the valley station of the mountain railways Fieberbrunn. The mountain bike route leads over the Krotten up to the Lärchfilzhochalm. Here is handed over to the runners, who then fight over Grießenboden, Reckmoos and Hochhörndl to Wildseeloderhaus. The fastest 2-man teams make the entire journey in less than an hour! In the afternoon, the prize distribution will take place with musical entertainment at the Wildalpgatterl in Fieberbrunn. Spectators can take the cable car up to the middle station and then hike comfortably up to Wildalpgatterl.




Pics 2017